We found each other during the pandemic in 2020. After getting to know each other on instagram, we decided to meet in the Barn, virtually daily for a few weeks. The Barn is a physical space in Towcester, UK.

Three of us began to paint on a daily basis on challenges that were thrown at each other. we got to know each other, our journeys took different shape n form but our friendship was rock solid on which a lot of things were built like tremendous respect for each others work, being there for the other with a critical eye which requires a lot of trust .... says Ranji

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".....The three of us met during the first UK ‘Lockdown”.
I started posting my work on instagram, which seemed to coincide with Ranji’s posting time, we were both painting everyday and seemed to link up. We started speaking though our work and messages, and a formed a wonderful friendship. We set ourselves projects, painting from each other’s worlds.

Introducing Lesley who I share a studio with, we have all worked together on other ideas which we  each  put forward, learning from each other’s artworks, and discussions , urging each other on. Ranji is so proactive in all that he does , forming an International Painters Community, in which Artists from over 10 different countries share works and thoughts on-line.

We have all been a true inspiration to each other, in a time when nobody can meet up In person, but has given us the opportunity to meet each other and form a bond.Type your paragraph here
...... says Niki

"..... There’s one very important positive due to the pandemic. Three artists became friends from two different countries. Niki and Lesley were being creative in their own different styles of producing art in a barn.

Then isolation, helping to overcome the feeling of being separated from friends and the rest of the world in particular the artistic communities. The desire to make new contacts in these troubled times was even more important. We could share our work on an international platform developing new ideas and fulfilment..... says Lesley